Hall of Fame Ceremony - via Zoom
October 15, 2020

In spite of the pandemic, we held an online celebration of the 2020 Alumni Association Hall of Fame inductees that is normally held at our reunion. This was admittedly experimental, but the four awardees were aboard and game to proceed. Alumni members and family were invited to participate by both viewing and perchance an opportunity to add a brief comment. A recording of the zoom event will be available soon.


Below is the rough agenda for the event.

Don Nielson will emcee the event for which we will budget one hour. Starting at 10 am Pacific, he will make a few opening remarks.

Don will then introduce each of the awardees and, in the process, the appropriate certificate will be placed on everyone's screen for a time. The process will then be interactive and during it there may appear one or two other images to which to key a comment or two. Obviously, the mic of only the current awardee should be unmuted. You will appear on the screen whenever you are speaking! At the end of the interactive part, you will be asked to make a brief comment or acceptance remark.

The order of awards will be:

After each honoree is finished, we will give anyone watching a chance for a brief comment. For those who want to make a comment then, and we encourage it, please click on the Chat button at the bottom of the screen and type your name and that you'd like to participate in the sidebar that will appear on the right side of the video screen. We will direct you when to open your mic and begin. That way we can keep from talking over one another.

We'll try to make this light, fun, and entertaining but it is a new environment so we expect your patience. Please get familiar with your Zoom screen in the meantime. No one has to notify us if they are participating. Just follow the entry instructions above.

Thanks and congratulations once more!

- Don Nielsen